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Rank 12
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Postovi: 9181
Pridružen/a: 14 ožu 2017, 20:59
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Post Postao/la Melloo »

I'm pleased to officially announce that my next game with Grey Dog Software will be Total Extreme Wrestling 2020 and that the ever-popular developer's journal will be starting this coming Monday, the 10th December.

Below I've put together a short FAQ on the subject.

When is the game coming out?

The original aim was to release the game in the summer of 2020. However, things have been progressing so well that I suspect we may now be looking a little earlier than that, possibly even Christmas 2019. You'll be reading about the progress in the upcoming developer's journal, and so the release date will be clearer as we move through the next year.

Why is it such a long way off?

The game has already been under development for some time and will have likely had about two years of work before it is released. The reason that this is so long (about double what we normally do) is simply that this is the biggest, most ambitious project to date.

Usually each TEW game gets written on top of the previous one - this is the most efficient way to do it as it means that I don't have to "reinvent the wheel" each time. The drawback of this is that some often-requested features are simply not possible because the structure / architecture can't support them.

For TEW2020, I've instead completely taken the game apart, rewritten the underlying architecture, and then put each feature back in one-by-one, revamping and upgrading as I go along. The end result is that while you're still going to recognise the game as being part of the TEW series, it's effectively a much sharper, quicker, more intuitive, better quality piece of work. This is going to be the biggest jump forward in terms of quality the series has ever seen (I can say that with confidence because it's already blowing TEW2016 out of the water and there's still at least a year of work to come!)

What will the developer's journal cover?

You've probably noticed that the journal will be running for a long time. Normally it lasts a month, this one will last over a year!

The journal will effectively be split into two. For the next few months we'll be in 'catch up mode'. During this time I will be explaining what we've done so far - what changes have been made, what new features are in, etc. Once we've gone through all the changes (and there's already hundreds!) we'll move into a "live" journal. This will last for the remainder of the project and will effectively let you follow along with the game's progress as I'll be telling you what I'm currently working on, how testing is going, etc.

The journal will not be a daily thing, purely because that would take away too much time from the development. Instead, you can expect two or three entries per week.

How can I get involved?

The game is already fully designed and work is well under way but there's still scope to incorporate some new suggestions, so if you have sudden brainwaves the Suggestions forum is the best place to go and post.

I will be inviting a limited number of playtesters later in the project's life cycle. As usual, this will be invitation only and based on people's behaviour and attitude on the forums. Applications / requests are not accepted and will automatically mean that person will not be considered.

The main place to get involved will be the TEW2020 discussion thread which is further down the board.
ProHrvanje Urednik
ProHrvanje Urednik
Postovi: 12563
Pridružen/a: 28 stu 2016, 12:26
Lokacija: Malehiko
Status: Offline


Post Postao/la Rio146 »

Uh, tko će čekat još godinu dana? :(

1. Da se mogu raditi tejpinzi. Nema ništa gore nego kad najaviš meč koji bi mogao ukrast show, i onda skužiš da jedan od hrvača ima već zakazan meč tu večer.
2. AI booking. Na mom Dinamo Wrestling sejvu (kojeg moram ponovno počet igrat), Curtis Axel je pobjedio Ricocheta. A main event je bio neki nebitan tag meč.
3. Veća popularnost kada imaš popularne hrvače. Imao sam Scurlla, Batea, TJ Perkinsa, Paige, AR Foxa, Akama ili Rezara (nisam siguran), Nikki Cross na rosteru, svi gro poznati i popularni a meni se reputacija jedva diže.
4. Za modere. Ne sviđa mi se kako G1 Climax ima samo jedan dan turnira.
5. Možda se malo više uključiti u sami managment. Marketing, PR, promocija showova, mečeva, boraca.
Yes Sir!
ProHrvanje Urednik
ProHrvanje Urednik
Postovi: 12563
Pridružen/a: 28 stu 2016, 12:26
Lokacija: Malehiko
Status: Offline


Post Postao/la Rio146 »

Jebemti ovu igru više. Taman se nakanim igrat onaj Dinamo Wrestling save, i u dva mjeseca me napuste i Scurll i Grizm Selmani. Dva najveća imena koja sam imao. Obojica odoše u NXT.
Yes Sir!
Eumaus The Swineherd
ProHrvanje Urednik
ProHrvanje Urednik
Postovi: 23285
Pridružen/a: 22 sij 2018, 18:02
Lokacija: Split
Status: Offline


Post Postao/la Eumaus The Swineherd »

ProHrvanje Urednik
ProHrvanje Urednik
Postovi: 12563
Pridružen/a: 28 stu 2016, 12:26
Lokacija: Malehiko
Status: Offline


Post Postao/la Rio146 »

Još mi dvojica otišla u NXT. Neda mi se više ovo igrat, i službeno prestajem. Čeka se novi TEW.
Yes Sir!
Rank 12
Rank 12
Postovi: 9396
Pridružen/a: 21 stu 2016, 14:00
Status: Offline


Post Postao/la emirates »

-TEW2020 will feature on-the-fly booking for the first time. This means that when you're running a show you can "drop out" of the live event and back to the booking screen whenever you like. Obviously you won't be able to alter segments that have already taken place, but you can edit the rest of the show.
Each event in TEW2020 can be given an intent; this tells the game how it is being promoted to the fans and what its aim is. The four levels are Normal, Lesser, Tour, and Throwaway.

Normal is the default and is what you're used to from previous games.

Lesser shows get a slightly reduced attendance level and are less powerful with regards to altering the company's popularity - a show needs to be much better or worse to trigger gains or losses. This type of show is for events that have a relatively weak line-up or aren't being treated overly seriously.

Tour shows are specifically meant to be part of Japanese-style tours (more on them in a later entry) and are not designed for use outside of a company that is running that sort of schedule. These shows are automatically not broadcast (but can be taped for highlights) and the attendance levels are much lower than normal. The fans are more lenient however, so a show has to be particularly awful to lose popularity. It's very hard to gain popularity from these type of shows due to their nature.

Throwaway shows are specifically designed to be used for charity shows, one-off tributes, etc, where there is no pretense that the card is going to be a serious spectacle (or even fit continuity). Attendances will be very low and a show would have to be absolutely amazing or dire to have any affect on popularity.
The first change is that there's no longer both Importance and Popularity - now you just have the latter. This makes the system easier to understand as there's only one set of values and absolutely no maths involved, and it means you can't drop in size "out of the blue" because a region's importance level changed. Regions can still be more or less important though, as we'll cover in a moment.

The second change is that the criteria for each size is unique to your company's home base. That means that playing a company in the Tri State region will involve different challenges and strategies than playing in the North West, which will be different to Puerto Rico, which will be different to Scotland, etc, etc.
Zanimljivi isjecci iz dnevnika Adama Rylanda :D
Eumaus The Swineherd
ProHrvanje Urednik
ProHrvanje Urednik
Postovi: 23285
Pridružen/a: 22 sij 2018, 18:02
Lokacija: Split
Status: Offline


Post Postao/la Eumaus The Swineherd »

emirates je napisao/la:QR_BBPOST Tour shows are specifically meant to be part of Japanese-style tours (more on them in a later entry) and are not designed for use outside of a company that is running that sort of schedule. These shows are automatically not broadcast (but can be taped for highlights) and the attendance levels are much lower than normal. The fans are more lenient however, so a show has to be particularly awful to lose popularity. It's very hard to gain popularity from these type of shows due to their nature.
:dance: :dance: :dance:
Rank 12
Rank 12
Postovi: 9181
Pridružen/a: 14 ožu 2017, 20:59
Status: Offline


Post Postao/la Melloo »

Vala ovaj tew je napravljen samo da vodis wwe, il tna max. i to je to.
Rank 12
Rank 12
Postovi: 9396
Pridružen/a: 21 stu 2016, 14:00
Status: Offline


Post Postao/la emirates »

ima li ko crack za ovo, nastao mi je kvar na laptopu i otislo mi je sve :(
Rank 7
Rank 7
Postovi: 809
Pridružen/a: 07 svi 2018, 22:40
Lokacija: Nis, Srbija
O meni: I love puroresu
Status: Offline


Post Postao/la Lujaa »

Igra li neko Journey of Wrestling? Besplatna online alternativa TEWa, ko nije cuo.
Postovi: 15172
Pridružen/a: 25 stu 2016, 12:42
Lokacija: Niš, Srbija
Status: Offline


Post Postao/la AleksaVP »

Bio mi na Rawu sa Lesnarom i posle showa dodje ova vest :cry:

Rank 11
Rank 11
Postovi: 7305
Pridružen/a: 25 stu 2016, 12:03
Status: Offline


Post Postao/la azo »

TEW 20 izlazi za Bozic, samo nek AI srede ostralo ce sve biti super

“Be like a diamond, precious and rare, not like a stone, found everywhere.”
Postovi: 15172
Pridružen/a: 25 stu 2016, 12:42
Lokacija: Niš, Srbija
Status: Offline


Post Postao/la AleksaVP »

Rank 11
Rank 11
Postovi: 7305
Pridružen/a: 25 stu 2016, 12:03
Status: Offline


Post Postao/la azo »

i dok izađe crack i sve to, znaci negdje pred kraj maja cemo igrat

“Be like a diamond, precious and rare, not like a stone, found everywhere.”
Postovi: 15172
Pridružen/a: 25 stu 2016, 12:42
Lokacija: Niš, Srbija
Status: Offline


Post Postao/la AleksaVP »

Izvadi pare iz novčanika i uzmi ranije :lol:

Dobih ponovo želju da igram, vraćam se starom saveau..