Samo mora prvo oživeti Miza ponovo, po meni preko IC titule, sa kojom bi probio rekord po reignovima i nakon toga ga još jednom gurnuti u uppercard.
Ovako, sada, Miz je baš nisko...
Za sve nedefinirano
Samo mora prvo oživeti Miza ponovo, po meni preko IC titule, sa kojom bi probio rekord po reignovima i nakon toga ga još jednom gurnuti u uppercard.
Nikki i Meksiko ko ti i Poljska...~MandyRose~ je napisao/la: ↑13 sij 2025, 19:59 Taman za povratak Nikki Belle koja ima meksičke korijene! Volimo i podržavamo
Ovo sam pročitao na jednom forumu i moram se složiti. Napisao je ono zbog čega mi se neda pratiti wrestling više. Previše je suh, a sve je in-ring bazirano umjesto character bazirano.You nailed exactly how I feel about the modern product and why I only watch on very few occasions. The top of the card feels like a bunch of mid card to upper mid card talents with no organic star power or charisma. This would be fine if the young talent in NXT showed signs of potential but they are even more dry and ordinary looking . Everything is in ring focused that the other aspects of wrestling (appearance and memorable segments) get neglected. No one has had a Austin beer truck moment or a Undertaker trying to embalm Austin scene.
Another reason why the product could be bad is the fans. Wrestling has a very PC fan base now and even if HHH wanted to push the envelope I feel the fans wouldn't let it happen. A storyline that immediately pops into my mind is the Trish and Vince angle. No way would that storyline fly today but back then it was so instrumental in making her the biggest baby-face in the division. The modern heels aren't detestable enough for me.
Baš to
Iz onog što se pisalo još pre mesec dana bio je kao fazon da će funkcionisati kao originalni NXT otprilike, kao WWE legende i veterani bi bili mentori (Taker, Booker T, Mickie James, Bully Ray...)
Bash in Paris, i po datumu odgovara.