Lokalni oglasi u Indianapolisu, mjestu gdje će se 25.9 održati Clash of Champions PPV, navode kako će u main eventu istoga Kevin Owens braniti svoju Universal titulu protiv Seth Rollinsa. Grafika s Twittera pokazuje i kako će Triple H biti na Owensovoj strani, a Stephanie i Foley na Rollinsovoj.
Spoiler: Kevin Owens vs Seth Rollins at Clash of Champions for the WWE Universal Title. pic.twitter.com/RAsvYfhnQ5
— The Way Of Wrestling (@torres1robertto) September 4, 2016
local advertisement on TV for Clash of Champions shows Rollins vs Owens for Universal Championship. #WWE pic.twitter.com/zOXClBnPzG
— D7.Wrestlin #IT (@xiTzZD7oom) September 4, 2016
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